9. Industrial and Municipal and Warehouse Territories
Main objectives and priorities in development of Kyiv industrial complex is to introduce a model of stable economic growth and competitive performance of industrial potential by forming conditions which ensure municipal and general country’s needs for industrial products by increasing production volumes of hi-tech, competitive, eco-friendly, export-oriented and import substitutable products, forming scientific and innovation centers.
When solving the above-mentioned goals the following should be also considered:role of the city as the capital of a big European country which requires for relevant pattern and level of constructions, unique historical environment which involves historical and architectural memorials of all-country and global signifi cance, and featured by architectural-compositional integrity which requires for condition of the construction and surrounding environment to be thoroughly studied when solving a set of problems dedicated to its management;
- development of the city’s territories in conjunction with its suburban territories;
- feasibility of industrial areas formation based on comprehensive development of planning city areas and aiming to achieve a balanced accommodation and labor attraction, development of production and social infrastructure, public services and recreation systems;
- need in new territorial resources, and also volumes of territories’ reconstruction will directly depend on the results of agricultural complex growth at separate territorial formations and in the city in general, and investment resource for construction and reconstruction of enterprises will principally be defined by economic efficiency of their work.
Main directions of development and improvement
of territorial management of industrial and municipal complex
development of “leading” and “breakthrough” techniques which are the scope of world level scientific developments of research and scientific city institutions: rocket & space and aviation engineering; household and public utilities electronic devices; diagnostic and treatment software & hardware; nanoscaled materials with set properties, nanoelectronics, nanochemical and nanobiological techniques; functional materials for electronics, instrument engineering and medicine; substances and materials for household detergents and food industry; biotechnology for health protection, pharmacology and agricultural complex, new generation pharmaceuticals etc.; - production organization of analogue imported products (by means of its technological copying), primarily directed towards the needs of the city: construction materials, gaging appliances, accounting devices, communications systems, environmental protection and waste disposal, pharmaceutical products etc.;
- restructuring or relocating outside the city the enterprises with a low level of budgetary efficiency or which do not meet standards of ecological safety, using of vacated territories for putting into operation production output.
- with new or improved consuming properties, and also infrastructures services for entrepreneurial activities;
- developing industrial areas, creating on its territories new forms of enterprises interaction from the industry, science, small business in a
form of technological clusters based on universities and scientific and research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
production and advanced technological clusters, industrial clusters, territories for advanced development focused on implementation of
innovation cycle.
Industrial territories
Main decisions on territorial management
of industrial complex.
the maximum use of production and land plots previously allocated for existing enterprises for them to grow their production capacities for the purposes of production intensification, vacation of a part of land plots and production areas for establishing there new production or its transfer to other users;
- gentle displacing outside the city, to Kyiv suburbs, productions which require for no specific skilled preparation, and which allocation within the city is not limited by transportation, economic and technological needs (these are, mainly, construction and warehouse enterprises);
- restructuring a signifi cant part of industrial and municipal and warehouse territories for the purposes of increasing effi ciency of its use, transforming into modern areas of business activities, technology areas for “leading” and “breakthrough” techniques being introduced, scientific ideas of Ukrainian scholars and inventors, attraction of international investments and global capital.
Main directions of further development
of separate territories of city industrial-municipal complex
Industrial and municipal and warehouse branch of Kyiv economy is represented by 7926 enterprises located in 20 industrial areas and in a few small industrial areas, and enterprises located outside industrial areas, and which need restructuring, reorientation, environmental sanitary and ecological recovery, more efficient use and material improvement of architectural and aesthetical quality of constructions.
12.8% workplaces are focused on industrial and municipal and warehouse territories. Majority of industrial territories is located on the right shore.
It has been planned to restructure industrial territories for social-business needs in the centre of the city, such territories being located on the streets Yaroslavskoyi, Skovorody, Dmytrivskoyi, Pavlivskoyi, Hlybochytska, in the area of Lybid’ River, Frunze Street, from Olenivska Street to V.Khvoyky Street, and also in the area of “Telychka” and “Podilsko-Kurenivskyi” industrial area located at the Dnieper riverside, limited develop
ment of new territories for industrial-municipal construction in the existing limits of Kyiv (territories in industrial areas “Troyeshchyna” and “Osokorky”).
Allocation of new industrial enterprises and reorganization of existing territories is made with the use of advanced organizational forms (industrial and technological clusters, technopolis, industrial hubs, cluster formations).
New industrial business centers